
Eighteen-year-old Casper lives with his mother, younger brother Andy, and little sister in northwest Copenhagen. This is one of the poorest parts of the city, notorious for crime within the immigrant community. Casper and his friend Robin make money through petty theft and passing on the stolen goods to Jamal, one of the neighbourhood crooks. When the competent and ambitious young man gets an offer to work for a local mob, he can’t resist an opportunity which promises large amounts of regular cash. But then he finds himself caught between two rival gangs. Siblings Casper and Andy are played by real brothers Gustav and Oscar Dyekjær Giese. In Michael Noer’s bleak drama they give wholly convincing performances despite lacking previous acting experience. Bordering on social realism, Noer’s directorial style – in combination with documentary film approaches, a hand-held camera and dynamic editing work – guarantees this crime tale the necessary intensity, impact and credibility. (Karlovy Vary International Film Festival)



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