Night of the Ghouls

  • Egyesült Államok Dr. Acula (munkacím)


A deceptive medium bilks people out of their money by fooling them into thinking he can reanimate the dead. Then one day, to the bogus mystic's surprise, some of the corpses actually do return to life. Now these pesky stiffs want HIM six feet under! (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)

Videók (1)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I think I am quite a supporter of Ed Wood, but this film of his is really terrible. Although I think it's just because I have seen more of his films, and eventually, it simply stops being entertaining and in the end, it's just bad. This is simply bad and contrived in every moment, but it is also memorable to some extent. ()

Galéria (3)