
Slippery psychology student Douglas Dick entices his teacher, Young, to a remote beach area, where he attempts to seduce her, first kissing her, then making lustier advances which Young resists. In her panic, the psychology professor grabs a steel bar, striking and killing Dick. She then drags the body to the waters edge and draws water into his lungs by administering artificial respiration in reverse while his head is beneath the water. Police discovering the body later determine Dicks death to an accidental drowning. The distraught Young has hitchhiked home and taken an overdose of sleeping pills but is rushed to a hospital and saved. Corey conducts a routine police investigation which includes a visit to Young, who also meets Cummings, Dicks guardian and attorney. Both men are enamored of Young, but Corey puts enough evidence together, with the help of Jaffe, to have her indicted for Dicks murder. Cummings defends her brilliantly. Much of this film noir tale is shown in chilling flashbacks as Young hallucinates her way toward the realization of her deed. Corey is excellent as the hard-nosed sleuth and Sam Jaffe is an unimpassioned scientist whose careless attitude about human emotions evokes a deep shudder. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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