A kútásó lánya

Romantikus / Dráma
Franciaország, 2011, 107 perc


A tizennyolc éves Patricia miközben ebédet visz az apjának, találkozik a jóképű pilótával, Jacques-kal, aki nyolc évvel idősebb nála. Amikor legközelebb találkoznak, a holdfényben átadják magukat vágyaiknak. Patricia azonban összeomlik, amikor Jacques nem jön el a következő randevúra – visszament a háborúba. Amikor a lány felfedezi, hogy terhes, elmondja Jacques szüleinek, hogy a fiúk gyermekét hordja a szíve alatt. A szülők azonban úgy vélik, hogy csak pénzt akar, ezért kidobják. Patricia és apja örömmel fogadják a gyermeket. Jacques szülei irigykedve nézik őket… (HBO Europe)


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angol The Well-Digger’s Daughter is a movie made in 2011 that contains some behavior I’m not and probably never will get used to. Daniel Auteuil’s daughter was completely insane. She spent endless minutes wallowing in despair over being pregnant and her lover dying in the war. She fell in love with him and claimed the next day that they couldn’t be together because he was from a completely different caste. She was poor and he rich. The family of the boy was going crazy because of her. She was going crazy because she caused problems to that family and her dad Daniel was going crazy because she shamed her family so much that he kicked her out of the village to some other relatives, where she was probably supposed to die. Due to some historical facts, however, some events occur that affect the story and in the end it turns out the way it does. In the beginning I had trouble to get used to this but later it became more bearable. Anyhow, Daniel Auteuil showed here that he knows how to make movies and what’s more, has no problem presenting the time and the way people were thinking at the time, as it really was. And it definitely deserves recognition. ()