
Sherlockra talán élete legnehezebb megbízatása vár: John tanújaként neki kell köszöntőt mondania a vendégsereg előtt. Habár ifjú nyomozónk ezt a feladatot hibátlanul megoldja, újabb nehézséggel kell szembenéznie: gyilkos ólálkodik az esküvői mulatságon, és ha Sherlock nem elég szemfüles, lehet, hogy az ifjú pár nem éri meg a menyegzői táncot... (AXN)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Each season of the Sherlock series had the weakest middle part, and I hope it's true this time as well, and the final episode of the third season will improve my mood again. Organized wedding celebrations always annoyed me (both in movies and in real life), it all seemed so uneventful and tedious to me, and besides, I suspect that I wouldn't even feel it if someone stabbed me in the back (well, sometime in the past, today you could cut off my hand with an axe and I wouldn't notice until I reach for the XBOX controller). ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Unfortunately, the weakest episode of Sherlock so far. I can hardly believe how boring, at times annoying, it was. What's more, in the end, the creators tried to convince me how they had thought everything through, but I still couldn't get rid of the taste of the sitcom wedding party, which made it so that the episode only got to the case after half an hour (!)... Then I didn't enjoy it anyway, because the script kept crushing it with that wedding and an absolutely awful bachelor party. The gentlemen did not deserve this. ()


Galéria (25)