Ken Amefakdet

  • angol Yes, Miss Commander!
Izrael, 2009, 96 perc


Itzik Lerner


Yorn Vienstien


Dany Riecntal


“Why should I take orders from you? You’re the same age as me, Miss!” In an attempt to rehabilitate young offenders the Israeli army offers them the possibility of basic military training. But there is a twist: the commanders are all attractive women around the same age as the reluctant recruits. Sparks fly and one female platoon commander takes her pride in a reformed protégé too much to heart - it’s not easy for either side to stay in role. In no time the young men and women descend into a spiral of erotic attraction and aggression, of punishment and defiance. The camera chases around after the protagonists as they negotiate their way through gruelling status struggles, reaching an apparent impasse. This is an astonishing film about discipline, the escalation of situations and a struggle for appreciation, dignity and indeed love. (DOK.fest München)
