
Neje elvesztése után Matt, a középkorú hawaii családapa magára marad két lányával, a tízéves, koraérett Scottie-val, és a tizenhét éves, lázadó Alexandrával. Miközben próbálja rendbe hozni a kapcsolatukat, a családi birtok jövőjéről is döntenie kell. Övék ugyanis a sziget legértékesebb tengerparti erdősége. Mattnek egy hete van, hogy határozzon, eladják-e egy vállalkozónak. Közben megtudja, hogy nejének viszonya volt valakivel, ami új megvilágításba helyezi házasságát. Matt és a lányai felkerekednek, hogy felkutassák a titokzatos szeretőt. (InterCom)


Videók (22)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (10)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Ha van egy erős történetem, akkor nincs szükségem arra, hogy hawaii környezetbe helyezzem. Egyébként szép betekintés az apa és a lányai közötti családi kapcsolatokba, és búcsúzásba a haldokló édesanyától. Egy kis érzelem, egy kis őszinteség, egy kis humor. Minden finoman és érzékenyen előadva, de semmi rendkívüli, meglepetések és nagyobb drámák nélkül. Ami felhúzza a filmet négy csillagra, az Clooney személyére szabott szerep, és Matthew Lillard karaktere, aki talán a film legfényesebb és legélénkebb eleme. A Kerülőutak nagyobb "jelenség" volt, és nagyobb nyomot hagyott. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The slow, depressing undertones of simple contemplation of important life values, with an excess of unconcealed emotions and interpersonal warmth. Which is indisputably the greatest certainty of Payne’s films. However, he did a respectable job with the given material, which would have tempted many other filmmakers to engage in (even) greater affectedness.  The film preserves its sense of detachment in relation to the supporting characters, whereas it is more accommodating toward the leads than they deserve.  Of course, I doubt that the members of the Academy will take the same cynical attitude. 70% ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol George Clooney once again delivers an outstanding performance that feels so genuine, it’s like he’s your buddy you grab a beer with—someone you can easily read, knowing exactly what's weighing on him. He portrays some of the most intense emotional states with such grace, where even a blank stare speaks volumes. You can always tell what’s going on in his mind. In this film, fate doesn’t cut him any slack, but watching him navigate through it all is compelling. Sure, some might say it’s a bit predictable, but I found it deeply satisfying. The way he shows how to rise above life’s struggles—if only the world could follow suit, there'd be a lot less bitterness around us. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol **SPOILER ALERT** – When I'm supposed to experience a family crisis along with the main character, I don't want to be sighing over Hawaii. George Clooney certainly delivers his performance to the fullest (even though the role of a well-meaning father doesn't really suit him), but this bumpy journey is ultimately disappointing. It's the supporting characters, led by the unsympathetic idiot Sid and, above all, the screenplay that are to blame. I can't engage in suffocating depression when a few seconds later I'm supposed to laugh at absurd situations, and I certainly don't enjoy watching a story that keeps going and going – and doesn't end. Matt doesn't come to terms with his wife's death or infidelity in any way, he merely functions in order to be there for his daughters, and five minutes before the closing credits he whispers the obligatory "Goodbye". It's only thanks to Clooney's brilliantly conveyed emotions that a third star also washed up with the tide. Unfortunately, Alexander Payne's approach to thought-provoking drama is once again not for me. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol "Hello, it’s Clooney. You know, death is not an easy thing, especially when you have two healthy children, millions in your account, a house in Hawaii and a woman who cheated on you with a real estate agent because she was bored..." - "I know, George, but don't call me anymore..." Therapeutically toothless and an emotionally instant product that is numb and unable to admit that the true dignity of death in the film looks a little different than this messy warm road movie, which absolutely lacks anything bitter and realistic... I'm sorry to have to write this, but Clooney is a bit of a contemporary Jekyll and Hyde - on the one hand, a shrewd critic of contemporary society, on the other hand, an engineer of human hearts in the service of capitalist realism. Despite a couple of nice scenes (Clooney's dialogue - daughter in the pool or the scene with the wife's friends), I don’t really get The Descendants, just like Up in the Air. I don't think everything is OK in a film where, in the potentially strongest father-daughter dialogue, the father is replaced by a family therapist. Not even with the world that is impressed by this. My battle. ()

Galéria (58)