Büszkeség és balítélet meg a zombik

  • Egyesült Államok Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (több)
Előzetes 5


Gyilkos vírus harapódzik el a 19. századi Angliában: a halottak életre kelnek és a tisztes polgárok életét fenyegetik. Az öt Bennet-lány szeretne férjhez menni, miközben megpróbálják megvédeni magukat az egyre növekvő fenyegetéstől, mielőtt késő lenne. Elizabeth mestere a harcművészeteknek, és Mr. Darcy sem csak egy jó parti, hanem rutinos zombivadász. Jól nevelt úrilányok és a fess úriemberek két bál és házassági ajánlat között öldösik az élőholtakat. Jane Austen regényének zombi átirata. (HBO Europe)


Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Once upon a time, Jane Austen met George Romero, and out of this emerged an interesting crossover, which benefits the most from nice, steampunk locations but on the other hand, completely collapses when it comes to storyline and especially humor. Too bad, too bad… ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Such a great sacrilege and not only because of that, but also such great fun. The romantic storyline is so strong in nature that it manages to move you, and on the other hand, the action storyline is sufficiently absurd and visually attractive that, in combination with the bombastic soundtrack by Fernando Velázquez, it works almost just as well. Moreover, when the annoying Mr. Collins, who is always present in the original or previous adaptations, is added to the mix, and Matt Smith elevates him with his rubber face and playful grimaces to irresistibly selfish naiveté, I must almost applaud. It's not perfect fun, but unexpectedly unfailing romantic adventure, definitely a yes. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was very pleased to see that the script is not an outright parody of Jane Austen, but actually considers how the plot of “Pride and Prejudice” might unfold during a zombie pandemic. So the story of the Bennet sisters, Mr. (Colonel!) Darcy and co. actually remained serious, "only" there is more blood, brains, dead and especially undead. Yes, it's mostly goofy fun, but not stupid. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I’ve heard so much negative criticism about this film that I was almost starting to believe it would be as bad as everyone had said. Having seen it, I have to say I enjoyed it a lot. What I liked most was how it managed to keep the original basic storyline in such a wacky plot. That must have been a superhuman feat. I was pleased with the cast. You don't get to see so many Lannisters these days even in Game of Thrones. Overall, I enjoyed this Victorian romantic zombie slasher film. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" has its interesting elements, it also has certain qualities, but in the end, it's just an action film with zombies that is not particularly scary, but - and that is the problem - not even that entertaining. The screenplay is ultimately shallow, even though the fusion of disparate genres works reasonably well. The characters are boring and uninteresting, and not even the captivating Lena Headey can save it. ()