
A többi pingvinnel ellentétbe Topi nem a hangjáról, hanem a tánctudásáról ismert. Immár ő is családot alapított a tüneményes Glóriával, és a fiacskáját próbálja táncolni tanítani. Eriknek azonban állandóan összeakad a lába, el is bujdosik szégyenében a jégvilágba. Útja során találkozik Óriás Svennel, a repülő pingvinnel, aki annyira elbűvöli, hogy Erik rögvest szárnyalni szeretne. Ám erre nincs idő, katasztrófa fenyegeti az Antarktisz népét. Miközben Topi a fiát segíti, összefogja a sarkvidék lakóit, hogy megmentse őket a pusztulástól. (InterCom)


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angol George Miller seems to have become interested in ecology in his old age and has decided to draw attention to what is happening to our planet. His "Mad Max" series already had something ecological in it. Where can our planet end up? Is oil and petrol the most important thing? Apparently, he asked even more fundamental questions when he decided to make the animated film "Happy Feet", because it is necessary to point out that even penguins do not have an easy life. The second part deals with an even more serious topic, which is global warming, presented as a terrifying monster. Well, it is what it is. Children won't understand it, adults will yawn, but maybe one percent of the viewers might be affected by it. On the other hand, the film works great as material that can be shown to children at environmental conferences, where their parents will talk about the importance of not having TVs, etc. The positive aspect of the film "Happy Feet 2" is the fact that there are pleasant songs, a bit of dancing as in the past, and quite good animation, which is absolutely required for penguins. It plays a lot on cuteness, which is enhanced by the little penguins' first feathers. It might work on children, but if it weren't for Pink, one probably wouldn't even enjoy the songs properly. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2012/07/happy-feet-2-bobr-cislo-4-musketyri.html ()

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