Streaming (1)


Csehszlovákia 1983-ban kommunista uralom alatt áll, a rendet a titkosrendőrség vigyázza. Néhány tizenéves, prágai fiatal azonban lázadozni kezd a szocialista értékrend ellen, a saját útjukat akarják járni, és punkzenekart alakítanak. Amikor a zenekar tagjainak megnyilvánulásai egyre szélsőségesebbé válnak, összeütközésbe kerülnek a környezetükkel és a rendszerrel, de mindenek előtt egymással. Bár a történet személyes tapasztalatokon alapszik, bármikor és bárhol megtörténhetett, és megtörténhet. (HBO Europe)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A decent Czech musical film, which I think is a pity that it was promoted so little even in the place where the film was made. It’s not bad at all. The style reminds me a bit of another Czech film Identity Card, but it revolves about a different sort of people. These people, however, shared a common meeting place – the pub. DonT Stop is full of interesting, fresh-faced actors, it has a good, even though in its heart a classic story and most importantly a very pleasant and elegant rendition, which makes the film into a really interesting flick. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It is very clear that the film was formally polished by a cinematographer making his directorial debut. Generationally, the substance is probably also very close to Řeřich. That's why it's a pity that he didn't let a quality dramaturgist join him, who would have moved Don't Stop from nostalgic memories to reality. The kids also act decently, but at times they just walk around in those costumes like in a carnival mask. Anyway, it’s an interesting contribution to the Czech state and an excellent attempt to tell something a bit different than is usual in the mainstream. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An interesting depiction of an era that I lived through, but definitely not from this perspective. I've never had musical ambitions, and I've never been drawn to the punk movement. It must be acknowledged, though, that the environment is captured excellently, and even though the story is almost about nothing, at least not about anything unexpected, it's still enjoyable to watch. ()