
A szerelem hullámhosszán főszereplői (Tom Hanks és Meg Ryan) és rendezője (Nora Ephron) újabb szellemes és szeretni való filmmel örvendeztették meg a nézőket. Greg Kinnear, Parker Posey, Jean Stapleton és más nagyszerű színészek csak még élvezetesebbé teszik ezt a celluloidra írt szerelmes levelet, amelyben Hanks Manhattan legnagyobb könyvesbolthálózatának fejeként, Ryan pedig egy gyerekkönyveket árusító kicsiny üzlet tulajdonosaként véletlenül - és névtelenül - összetalálkoznak és egymásba bolondulnak a világhálón. Nem sejtik, hogy a valós életben egymás esküdt ellenségei. (Pro Video Film)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is a movie that simply must entertain you. It is simply a film that you are supposed to like, and that's just by the actors who were chosen. And they were chosen brilliantly. Tom Hanks plays absolutely brilliantly here, and I keep convincing myself how interesting and versatile an actor he is, even though I never really believed it. It's not even too exaggerated, the romance is dosed just right. It's simply the right romance for a nice evening with someone you love. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I've seen the movie a few times now and I always get a craving for it again after a while. It's enjoyable, the characters are likable, I like the format too. I enjoy it. This is the perfect romantic comedy for me. I kind of wonder how the creators would handle it in this day and age of social media. I would love to see a movie like this. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The tired Loner in Seattle is forgotten and Tom Hanks finally has the space to prove that he can shine in comedic roles as much as in more serious ones. Nora Ephron and Meg Ryan never surpassed this bookseller bar, and the way the resulting funny correspondence still matures is the most eloquent result. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Within the framework of a beautiful romantic message that today has become a bit passé in the film industry, this smartly conceived story works flawlessly. The plot is predictable and is basically just about the waiting, but the director was so experienced and the actors so convincing that I was pleasantly happy to wait and I was really happy about how happily and sweetly everything turned out. Certainly one of the most beautiful genre films of the 90s. ()

Galéria (24)