
Mr. Morgan (Hugh Grant) és Mrs. Morgan (Sarah Jessica Parker) egy futó hűtlenség miatt épp válni készülnek. A házaspár a nagy veszekedéseik közepette szemtanúja lesz egy gyilkosságnak, ezért mindenképp szeretnének eltűnni a világ szeme elől. Az ügyészség a tanúvédelmi program keretében egy békés kisvárosba küldi őket. A civakodó pár kénytelen a helyi seriff rokonának kiadni magát, és hogy az álca tökéletes legyen, boldog szerelmeseknek kell tűnniük. (InterCom)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Two actors I have heavily praised, S.J. Parker and H. Grant, disappointed me greatly. This movie had no concept, but they could have given good performances... and they didn't. The Morgans weren't a good match for each other so the movie had no juice. Long boring scenes and the occasional light joke. I kept thinking: "Jessica, throw on your Versace scarves, Sex and the City is waiting for you… this isn’t the way, Mrs. Morgan." And one more thing...away with the corny village scenes where the main character can't handle it! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An average but certainly unoffensive comedy with some very funny moments that had me laughing out loud, like the scene with the big and little bodyguard, the doctor's appointment ("Do you like stickers, Paul? Come on, let's go to the room with the giraffe..."), all while getting acquainted with a town where one person has three or more jobs (nurse/waitress/firefighter Kelly), or while communicating with husband and wife Sam Elliot and the charming Mary Steenburgen, loyal fans of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood... It doesn't look to me at all like Did You Hear About the Morgans? leaked out of a stinking cesspool. The film just didn't impress. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sarah Jessica Parker is, in my opinion, one of the worst and most annoying actresses who happened to get lucky with one TV series where the role simply suited her. The mother who wants a child but is having marital issues with her husband, and their attempt to fix it by entering a witness protection program, is dreadful in her case, and Hugh Grant won't save it. ()