
A film egy 1951-es John Wyndham-regényen alapuló sci-fi-fantasy film modernkori átdolgozása! Egy napkitörés következtében az emberek többsége elveszíti a látását, mely által kaotikus helyzet alakul ki. Eközben egy katonai kutatóbázisról húsevő növények szabadulnak el. A Triffidek pedig folyamatosan emberekre vadásznak, és pusztítják a városokat. De vajon képesek-e megállítani a kutatók és az ideiglenesen alakult kormány emberei az elszabadult növényeket? (Film Mánia)


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angol After reading the book, I had an inkling to watch a movie adaptation of that incredibly dystopian world that reeks of depression, fear and death. But I made the mistake of choosing the first one that I came across. This two-piece load of crap is bad at everything that should have made it great. And as far as the book goes, they just stole the basic outline. When the plane crashed with passengers on board, one of which could see, I immediately knew that this is going to be nothing like the book. The actors were also incredibly punchable. Don’t even get me started on the production, which was B-class, even C-class, just like everything else. The only upside of this two-part movie was the fact that the English haven’t screwed up the Triffids with awful CGI. I must admit that judging from the overall quality, I almost expected them to be cacti wrapped in tin foil. That didn’t happen and somehow, I even managed to sit through this nightmare. ()

Galéria (16)