A barlang 2.

  • Egyesült Királyság The Descent: Part 2


A félelem mélyen gyökerezik. A bosszúvágy még mélyebben. Sarah (Shauna Macdonald - Mutáns krónikák, A barlang) az egyetlen túlélője a sötét és vérfagyasztó barlangi túrának. A fizikailag és lelkileg teljesen összetört lány egy kórházban tér magához, sehogy sem tudja túltenni magát a borzalmas megpróbáltatásokon. Vainess seriffet (Gavan O'Herlihy - Fönn a csúcson, Lovagok háborúja), az ügy körzeti megbízottját nem hagyja nyugodni a mélységben rejtett talány. A kegyetlen titkot felszínre hozni kívánó rendőr visszakényszeríti Saraht a félelmetes helyszínre, ahol a labilis lelkiállapotban lévő lánynak újra szembe kell szállnia élete legszörnyűbb élményével. (ADS Service)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Descent: Part 2 is pretty strong in certain scenes, but not that great as a whole. I was satisfied at the beginning, the feeling of claustrophobia (well known from the first part) was there, the cave monsters didn’t take too long to show up, and I’d lie if I said I didn’t feel scared a couple of times. But there are a couple of moments in the script that are unforgivable and the behaviour of the characters almost killed me. That nut case of a sheriff can’t exist in the real world because he wouldn’t pass the psychological tests (assuming the Yanks have something like that, too). I didn’t like the ending, I didn’t like the reveal at the beginning of the third act, and I didn’t like the link to the first part (I could have been done without Sarah and it wouldn’t have been so weird). If I didn’t know Marshall’s gem, I’d have a positive feeling, but I do! 6/10 ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This traditional "a few hours later" sequel to doesn't provide anything fundamental to the history of the genre and it recycles several scenes (flashbacks) from the past. Paradoxically, though, it also doesn't offend. The caves are still just as constricting and the underground goblins are still cute and hungry. In a way, there’s nothing to reproach it for because the Part 2 aspect is perfectly fulfilled. It’s just too bad this film came second. Actually, it’s a surprise given the expectations. PS: There’s too much light in it, that's a fact. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The film "The Descent 2" tries to have a fairly good finale and it is clear that Jon Harris wanted something memorable, something that would look good and would be in the spirit of a great Hollywood sacrifice. This was quite successful and the ending is good, it has an epic scope and is then killed off by a classic horror ending, which you will probably only sigh at, but maybe you will also welcome it with the thought that it was probably meant to be like this. ()