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  • Egyesült Államok He's Just Not That Into You (több)
Előzetes 2

Streaming (1)


Vannak, akik azt állítják, kiismerik magukat a világban, de ki dől be ennek. Beth (Jennifer Anniston), Anna (Scarlett Johansson), Mary (Drew Barrymoore) és Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) megpróbálják a lehetetlent: kiismerni a férfiakat. Nézzünk szembe a ténnyel: sosem tudni, mi jár a másik fejében, amikor rád néz, amikor meghív egy italra és elkéri a telefonszámodat. Tudja-e bárki is, miért nem hív vissza, miért tagadtatja le magát, és miért tűnt úgy, hogy akar, és most miért nem akar? A nők tévelyegnek, a férfiak botladoznak, mert az élet nem más, mint a be nem teljesedő kapcsolatok, a félbehagyott, elbénázott, észre sem vett lehetőségek sora. (InterCom)


Videók (2)

Előzetes 2

Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I didn't appreciate this film until years later, perhaps influenced at the time by whoever was in the director's chair. A hugely enjoyable flick, tasteful, without pandering and with more than one truth of life. Most of all, it's admirable how Kwapis balances the entire film on a fine edge, never slipping into turning his narrative into a shallow cliché. And the character portrayed here by Justin Long is hugely likeable, if I wasn't straight I'd probably fall in love with him :o) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I never have high expectations of romantic comedies (good thing I don’t), but I was pleasantly surprised this time. Sure, the film did have those sappy moments that I was counting on, but it didn't go overboard with them. It was funny, it had its dramatic line and didn’t pull any punches towards either men or women. A lot of blockbusters don't have such a great cast, although Ben Affleck... The two hours just flew by, and I was decently entertained all along, so there you have it. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Lemonade with some solidly outlined life truths, but in a lighter vein and without pushing the envelope. Considering the ensemble cast, which is without exaggeration fabulous, it’s quite a wasted opportunity to make a stylish relationship drama like Closer, or a black-humoured social satire in the style of the late Woody Allen films. This one oscillates right in the middle, and looking for a distinctive signature would be a waste of time. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A blast of a diversion that I enjoyed in an unprecedented way. Probably what I enjoyed most was that it maintained an extremely appealing and civil tone throughout its running time, you could sense how much everyone involved enjoyed it, even though they were conscious that they were making a simple romantic comedy. Not that it was particularly ordinary – Jennifer Connelly, Bradley Cooper, Justin Long, Scarlett Johansson, Drew Barrymore... a really unprecedented and very enjoyable cast. A nice film that radiates positive energy and will put a smile on many a face. The fact that it manages to do this without using any forced or spasmodic techniques is "just" another big plus. ()

Galéria (49)