Across the Universe - Csak szerelem kell

  • Egyesült Államok Across the Universe
Előzetes 2
Dráma / Musical / Romantikus / Kaland
Egyesült Államok, 2007, 133 perc (Alternatív 128 perc)

Streaming (1)


Azok a lázongó hatvanas évek: a békemozgalmak, a hippik, a kábítószer és a rock and roll hőskora. Jude, a liverpooli dokkmunkás Amerikába utazik, hogy megkeresse rég nem látott apját. New Yorkban találkozik egy gazdag, egyetemista lánnyal, Lucyval, az ismerettségből hamarosan szerelem lesz. Amikor Lucy bátyját a vietnami pokolba küldik, a két fiatal csatlakozik a háborúellenes mozgalomhoz. A sors azonban elválasztja őket egymástól, és ezernyi nehézséget kell legyőzniük, hogy újra találkozhassanak. (HBO Europe)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Compared to other musicals, this one is still quite okay. This is mainly due to the fact that in most cases I listened to well-known songs. At times, Across The Universe reminded me of Mamma Mia!, which has more in common with it than some might think. The parallel between Liverpool and The Beatles was very nice. Nevertheless, I was not particularly impressed nor offended. At times I was watching the movie, at times only listening to it, and that was more or less enough. Nothing more was necessary. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Nothing's gonna change my world. Behind the beautiful camera, unique interpretation of beetle songs, and complete immersion in musical numbers, there is a slightly confused mixture that looks like the creation of at least a dozen screenwriters. The loss of love, innocence, or hope, so simply outlined by characters like Sadie or Prudence, sounds at least halfway. And yet, this love story with different views on the crisis period could have sounded absolutely perfect. On one hand, I am sorry that only a few perfect and several very solid scenes remained from such potential. On the other hand, the strengths (main duo, compositionally perfect Strawberry Fields, touchingly culminating All You Need Is Love) shine so brightly that they overshadow excessive surrealism and fragmentation. 70% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I simply don't have much to add to this movie. The Beatles songs are used incredibly innovatively here, their new arrangements are excellent, not to mention that it's possible to create a quite meaningful story based on them. Great characters, but still, you just know that this whole thing is based on something that was created fifty years ago. These songs will never get old. Yes, I love the Beatles. ()

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