Billy Elliot

Előzetes 1

Streaming (1)


Az észak-angliai Durham régi bányász város. A férfiak többségének a bánya ad munkát, a kemény, kíméletlen férfias életmód minden családra rányomja bélyegét. A kis törékeny Billy Elliot is bokszolni tanul - legalábbis addig amíg egy napon kényszerűségből nem költözik egy terembe a helyi bokszcsapat a balett-csoporttal. Billy szögre akasztja kesztyűit és lelkesen beáll a balettosok közé. Természetesen otthon erről egy szót sem szól, mert éppen sztrájkoló apja és bátyja – akik a helyi bányában dolgoznak – nem néznék jó szemmel, hogy a kis Billy fehérnépeknek való táncot művel a kemény bokszmeccsek helyett. Csak Billy balett-tanárnője támogatja a kisfiút, mert látja rajta, hogy különleges tehetség. Szerinte érdemes lenne megpróbálnia felvételizni a londoni balettintézetbe. (TV2)


Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's been a long time since I've come across a film that brought me to tears in the positive sense of the word. Until yesterday. I didn't feel that I was being emotionally blackmailed, and even if I was, I could forgive this film for everything. Emotions, that's what I love about movies. Thanks Daldry for a beautiful experience. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Billy Elliot crushed me mentally in such a way that for the first time in the movie theatre I was ashamed of my emotional manifestations. I cried half the film. It reminded me of a beautifully filmed psychotherapy... The beautiful story of adolescence and self-awareness of an English boy may well appeal more to the male part of the population; indeed, I do not know of a better film about a son's relationship with his father, of fighting conventions and prejudices. I just found a piece of my dilemmas and repressed pains in Billy Elliot. A great piece in all respects. It functions as a decent social comedy, as a personal and social drama, as well as a sweet-hearted balsam on the soul... ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol In terms of screenwriting, it's a simple small-town tale about a talented boy who wants to make his dream come true at any cost, and in order to do so, he'll not only have to undergo hardships due to his family background and his considerably choleric father, but the socio-political situation in 1980s Britain doesn't help either, which, by the way, contrasts quite well with the gentle yet hard-working nature of ballet. I don’t quite understand all the musings about it here, because there’s certainly nothing novel, though this is a proper, intimate British comedy with a positive vibe. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The story often borders on kitsch, and especially at the beginning I really felt like I was wearing a ballet tutu, but gradually everything turns out nicely, and while I initially sympathized with the views of the uncompromising father, Billy's persistence and passion eventually made me sympathize with his character and dream. I have some reservations about Bell's performance, but that's the case with almost every child, but the other actors make up for it. It's probably been a long time since I've seen a film with such a well-defined and precise script, and the execution in the end appealed to me, which certainly can't be ignored. 80% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I don't have much to complain about here. Another one of those movies I avoided for a long time, but in the end, I gave it a chance, and I must say, I was pleasantly surprised. A great story about a boy who just wants to fulfill his dream, with societal critique in the background that sometimes takes the forefront. The relationship between Billy and his father is brilliantly portrayed. ()