Streaming (1)
Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part 5 (S05E01)
Meet the Legends (S05E02)
Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me (S05E03)
Slay Anything (S05E04)
A Head of Her Time (S05E05)
Mortal Khanbat (S05E06)
Mr. Parker's Cul-De-Sac (S05E07)
Romeo V Juliet: Dawn of Justness (S05E08)
Zari, Not Zari (S05E09)
The Great British Fake Off (S05E10)
Ship Broken (S05E11)
Freaks and Greeks (S05E12)
I Am Legends (S05E13)
The One Where We're Trapped on TV (S05E14)
Swan Thong (S05E15)
The Legends deal with the aftermath of last season's finale. After saving the world via the power of song and themed entertainment, the Legends are major celebrities. Some struggle with the transition from lovable losers to A-list stars, while others start letting fame go to their heads. When a documentary crew decides to film the Legends in action, distracting them from their original mission, in Hell, Astra Logue (new series regular Olivia Swann) frees history's most notorious villains in a bid for power. It's up to the Legends to forgo fame and stop these reanimated souls (who they quickly dub "Encores") from wreaking havoc on the timeline, whether it's Rasputin popping out of his coffin and trying to become an immortal tsar or Marie Antoinette (and her head) turning the French Revolution into a deadly, non-stop party. (Warner Bros. Home Entertainment)
(több)Galéria (234)
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