Streaming (1)


Harlan (Steven Seagal) modernkori Robin Hoodként kábítószer-kereskedőket foszt ki, a pénzt pedig jótékony célra adja. Látnoki képességekkel megáldott barátnője tanácsára éppen jó útra térne, mikor ártatlanul egy rablásba keveredik és börtönbe kerül. Bosszút esküszik azok ellen, akik rászedték. Szökése után volt fegyenctársa segítségével megkezdi a megtorlást, ám a szálak szövevényesebben fonódnak össze, mint azt bárki hitte volna. (Viasat 3)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol After a long time, a somewhat solid action B-movie action again. Paradoxically, I was most surprised by the one I expected the least from. Steven Seagal shows in several passages that he can still handle himself, and I dare say that if someone were to be able to bring him back to the world of action films and add a decent screenwriter and cameraman to his team, the result wouldn't turn out so bad. Yes, I'm subtly suggesting Under Siege 3, Seagal still has it in him, If he watches his weight, I don't see a problem with it. His latest action flick may not have that much action, but it is much clearer and better shot than in his previous few. The script is of course about nothing and is boring, that is undeniable, but the chase with the armored vehicle is quite impressive, and most importantly! Seagal is breaking arms again! Proper B-movie stuff. ()

Galéria (13)