Garfield 2.

  • Egyesült Államok Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (több)
Előzetes 2


Londonba utazik Garfield gazdája, Jon, hogy megkérje barátnője, az állatorvos Liz kezét. A lasagne-zabáló cicó persze nem hagyja annyiban a dolgot, és utána megy. Garfield találkozik a Herceggel, a királyi származású macskával, aki éppen akkor örököl egy kastélyt. Sőt, nemcsak találkozik, de helyet is cserélnek, így a hatalmas birtok Garfield otthona lesz. A világ leglustább macskája királyi ellátásban részesül, komornyikja van, és egész állatkertnyi négylábú szolgája és híve. Lord Dargis rossz szemmel nézi mindezt. Mivel ő a következő az öröklési sorban, el akarja tüntetni a(z ál)Herceget. (Prime)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I broke a promise and watched the second instalment of Garfield out of pure curiosity. And you know what? It did not disappoint. And the dubbing, which is the only good thing about the movie, did not disappoint either. The rest is a weird combination of live action and animated bullshit, where Garfield is again doing some wannabe cool stunts, which will make you sick, and you will gladly remember the sarcasm from the comic strips, which is practically non-existent in the movie. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol In the context of the first film, it §s a notable step up. Jennifer Love Hewitt is finally looking a bit like Liz, but her storyline is all kinds of WTF again, so in the end it's good that her scenes with Breckin Meyer were kept to a minimum. The fact that a recast wasn't done is still sympathetic, which would have been much worse. CGI Garfield is back, there’s a living Odie, and since the yellow ideal itself was quite successful, his story was rather humorously grafted onto Mark Twain's classic "The Prince and the Pauper." This replaced the desperate attempt at a script from the first film. The cast was rounded out by soloist Billy Connolly and a whole menagerie of real animals from the Carlyle estate. This put Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties in the genre of films like Babe, Cats & Dogs, and Charlotte's Web. It’s definitely better for it to be in that category and it's not such a slap in the face to all comic fans, which unfortunately happened in 2004. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An even bigger dud than the first film, which I enjoyed again only because Bill Murray was a great fit as the voice of Garfield. But to send Garfield to Britain and swap him for an aristocratic cat... This strikes me as pretty stupid and something that shows that Garfield can only work in a comic book. ()