
Egy szénbányászverseny megnyerése után egy walesi testvérpár Londonba indul, hogy felvegyék a nyereményüket, és ezzel kezdetét veszi szerencsétlen városi kalandjaik sora. (Netflix)

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angol It's a pity that the film spends so much time on the least interesting subplot involving a London con artist (incidentally, Moira Lister may have been Adina Mandl's twin, even her voice is almost identical) and not on the escapades of the other brother, a homeless harpist and of course the wonderfully clueless Alec Guinness, who "likes vegetables more than people" and no one can blame him. But it's still an excellent comedy, mostly lighthearted, with some absolutely great moments (boarding the underground) and a fireworks display of all sorts of garrulous Welshisms. ()