Moses und Aron

  • Franciaország Moïse et Aaron
Zenés / Dráma
Ausztria / Franciaország / Német Szövetségi Köztársaság / Olaszország, 1974, 105 perc


In expressive, melodic tones, the fraternal pair debate God's true message and intent for His creations, a conflict that leads their followers - in extravagantly choreographed song and dance - towards chaos and sin. (Grasshopper Film)

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The strain and trembling of the inner being, the destiny of a nation, events and turning points - these can be captured with minimal reliance on external support, action, and material representation: words and music, supremely immaterial entities that have the most powerful divine power to bring things into existence, to realize them. Straub and Huillet, with the purifying power of artistic prophets, announce the arrival of the cinematic idea, in which cinematic language is maximally subordinate so as not to taint the transparency of proclamation. The classic canon of Straub and Huillet, in which nothing distracts attention from the smallest tremors, which, like water in the desert, thus receive a life-giving force multiplied a thousandfold, creates one of their most perfect works, where classical biblical tradition is combined with Schoenberg's classic to create a classic and typical work of these filmmakers. ()

Galéria (3)