
Joanna Lumley stars as a brittle, scheming soap diva in this hilarious sitcom following the lives of the cast of a daytime medical drama, and the production team battling to make the show on a shoestring. Jealousy, insecurity, egotism and mental instability: the off-screen melodrama of Dr. Willoughby is revealed in all its ugliness. After five successful years, the Dr. Willoughby actors are wont to confuse reality and fiction. Can Donna Sinclair, star of the show, really heal the sick and perform open-heart surgery? Some of the viewers think she can. Is she really as saintly and composed as her character? Not quite. To put it mildly, she's a highly strung prima donna, an implacable control freak, and a monstrous megalomaniac. Which cast members will be axed by the producers - or by Donna? Who do the studio execs want to bring in - and why? And will producer Emma ever get off the show? (Network)

