
(fesztivál filmcím)
Előzetes 2


Két fiatal lány unalmában bolondozza végig a filmet. Körülöttük minden forr, de ők ebből mit sem vesznek észre, megállapítják, hogy romlott a világ, s ők is romlottak lesznek. Az élet felszínén lebegnek, kalandjaik abszurdak, játékosak. Ez a dinamikus nonkonformista játék a szürrealitás és a valóság, a jókedv és a kétségbeesés határán egyensúlyoz, mélyen érzékeltetve az 1968-as prágai események kirobbanása előtti csehszlovákiai atmoszférát. Věra Chytilová, a cseh újhullám kérlelhetetlenül kritikus és összetéveszthetetlenül egyedi hangú rendezőjének filmje, melyet ő maga „groteszk filozófiai dokumentum”-ként jellemzett. (Budapesti Klasszikus Film Maraton)


Videók (2)

Előzetes 2

Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Not recommended for epileptics, pregnant women, children, or anyone else. Chytilová, Juráček and Krumbachová? Absolutely not. However, I am moved by the colors, because as I'm used to seeing the horrors of the 1960s mostly in B&W, this is another shocker. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol "I can't even do that." "So what can we do?" "We can't do anything." Chytilová has always been ahead of other New Wave representatives with her causticity, because her critique of society is first and foremost a critique of patriarchy. And from that perspective, Daisies is easily applicable to the present. Two women who have been declared incompetent, their offence that they continually subvert their assigned roles, and in doing so make poor men cry. After all, most of the film takes place not in the typical socreal setting, but in luxury restaurants and at feast tables with semi-cretinous bourgeoisie, obviously a reference to her long experience in various lower filmmaking positions she held for many years at Barrandov, which seems to have shaped her quite a bit as a person. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A very provocative mix of the Soviet montage school (the inspiration is already evident in the opening credits, when we watch the operation of a certain machine), comic-book narrative and the extravagant aesthetic vision of our most acclaimed director. It takes a while to get used to the disparate episodic plot, the narrative experiments or the theatrical acting of the lead couple, but the cleverly satirical "anti-regime" undertone soon draws you in and leaves you no choice but to stare helplessly at how so much allegory and unconventionality can end up being entertaining and inspiring. Of course, such peculiarity will impress everyone differently, I belong to those with a greater degree of fascination. 80% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol From a formal perspective, it is an incredibly interesting movie, where it is possible to see how one can play with images, colors, the connection between image and sound. However, from a content perspective, it is already somewhere else slightly. Those two girls are incredibly unpleasant, and I think intentionally so, making it incredibly difficult to enjoy this movie. That is also probably a trademark of an interesting film, but this particular execution did not resonate with me. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Ahh, the golden 60s, when the ideological barriers and censorship fell, but at the same time generous state support remained, so creators could experiment and mock or make fun of society and the government. It's no wonder that many filmmakers miss those times. The truth is that a number of films from that era wouldn't have been made in so-called normal times. Daisies is an experimental plaything that is far from ordinary film productions and the average moviegoer. The film is valuable for film theorists and dedicated cinephiles in terms of film language, visual composition, editing, and camerawork. On the other hand, it lacks a lot of things that the average moviegoer expects, and the current high rating on FilmBooster is due to snobbery and imitation with a high number of reviews. Overall impression: 40%. ()

Galéria (28)