
Dráma / Road movie
Egyesült Államok, 1973, 112 perc (Alternatív 108 perc)


Max hat hosszú esztendőt töltött a rácsok mögött. Kiszabadulván új életet akar kezdeni, a félretett pénzéből autómosót akar nyitni Pittsburgh-ben. Előtte azonban szeretné meglátogatni a nővérét, aki Denverben lakik. Lionel teherbe ejtett egy lányt, majd elmenekült a felelősség elől: tengerészként járta a világot. Most Detroitba igyekszik, hogy találkozzon a gyermekével, akit még sohasem látott. A két, a társadalom perifériájára szorult fickó az országúton találkozik. Egymás mellé csapódnak, és együtt járják az utakat, miközben mindenféle kalandokba keverednek. (Cinemax)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An excellent drama about friendship with the great Al Pacino and Gene Hackman. Relaxed pace in the beginning, making one think that life can be nice after all, is replaced in the middle by harsh reality, which, by the end, almost crushes you, mainly due to the performances of the two protagonists. I'd like to believe they eventually opened the carwash. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Schatzberg's film tries to follow in the footsteps of Midnight Cowboy and focuses on two outsiders on the fringes of society and the city, but something is off. In my opinion, the dramatic aspect of the story doesn't work as it should because I watched the movie at 10 in the morning and couldn't avoid having mini naps, especially in the first half. Those familiar with Schatzberg's work can't expect a fast pace, but I wouldn't blame Scarecrow for its tempo. It's more the story itself and its events that are lacking, and perhaps I was missing a strong musical motif like "Everybody's Talking at Me." I have no issue with Hackman and Al Pacino's performances, yet my overall impression is average, around 55%. However, I do like the choice of the theme. Not many films having this topic are made in the United States. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A very decent road movie in all respects. If that is not enough to lure you in, then young Al Pacino and Gene Hackman should. Their acting performances were great and overall I liked that the film had such a nice relaxed atmosphere. Even though it doesn’t look like it at all in the beginning. ()

Galéria (46)