
  • Egyesült Államok Sick
Horror / Thriller
Egyesült Államok, 2022, 83 perc (Alternatív 80 perc)


A súlyosbodó egészségügyi válság közepette Parker és legjobb barátnője, Miri úgy döntenek, hogy elszigeteltségbe vonulnak a család tóparti házába, mérföldekre a legközelebbi szomszédtól. A karanténvakáció azonban a túlélésért vívott harccá válik. (HBO Max)

Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A Sikoly filmekkel ismertté vált horror-forgatókönyvíró új filmje. Sablonos, de táplálóan éles, lendületes és remekül kivitelezett slasher, máshonnan ellopott és meglepő pillanatokkal egyaránt. A Covid-motívum inkább elmosolyogtató, de potenciálisan valós. Az emberek őrültek. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A home invasion/slasher film with a Covid theme and the first nice piece this year. The story a classic template. A group of friends go to a remote lake house to spend lockdown, but they are ambushed by an aggressive killer. It doesn't have the classic slasher props (the killer doesn't have a cool mask, he's not immortal, his reveal isn't shocking and he doesn't have a slow walk), but it does have a great touch of Scream. The killer's running, the knife, the aggression, and he doesn't fight with his victims. After the opening 30 minutes of introductions, the film picks up a great pace and doesn't let up until the end. The murders are both imaginative and quite enjoyably gory, the victims and the bad guy get a good beating and the pain comes through, which is very welcome. In terms of craftsmanship, it's also a job well done, absolutely no reservations here (the CGI fire at the end is surprisingly cool), and I have to praise the twist/motivation of the killer, it’s refreshing and definitely unexpected in the genre. The only thing that annoyed me was the adherence to the covid rules, but you can ignore that. Otherwise it's a very enjoyable, entertaining and very action-packed genre film, and I'm happy to throw in an extra star. 7/10 ()