Jók és Rosszak Iskolája

  • Egyesült Államok The School for Good and Evil
Előzetes 1

Streaming (1)


A két jó barátnő, Sophie és Agatha kapcsolata próbatétel elé kerül, mikor átrepítik őket egy jövendő mesehősöket és gonoszokat képző mágikus iskolába. (Netflix)

Videók (2)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The School of Good and Evil dazzles at first glance with its cast and at second glance with its attractive sets and costumes. However, it is incredibly undermined by a very weak script and the casting of some, unfortunately, main characters. The actress playing Sophie was very bad and absolutely unsuitable for the role – she looked downright ridiculous at the end. Charlize Theron, Michelle Yeoh and Laurence Fishburne basically have nothing work with, which is a real shame given their talents. I was expecting School of Good and Evil to be darker, but what I got was more of a slapdash parody of Harry Potter with unlikeable characters and a really overblown running time. PS: Even 42 years older The Shining was able to portray a flood of blood in a more impressive way! ()

Galéria (117)