
Ez az amerikai életmód minden aspektusát gátlástalanul kigúnyoló, trágár fekete komédia több mint 40 millió dolláros bevételével óriási kasszasiker lett. Ironikus maga a film címe is, mely egyszerre rövidítése a tábori sebészetnek (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) és jelent „keveréket” (főnévként) és „összezúzni/összetörni”-t (igeként). A koreai fronttól öt kilométerre lévő tábori kórház mindennapjainak bemutatásával leplezi le a film a háború abszurditását. A katonai szolgálatra kötelezett orvosoknak az a dolguk, hogy újra összefoltozzák azt, amit más, ugyancsak katonai szolgálatra kötelezetteknek majd megint tönkre kell tenniük: az embereket. Ezen a gyógyítás értelmét is megkérdőjelező helyzeten minden intézmény és tekintély ironikus semmibevevésével kerekedik felül a két hippi sebész, Sólyomszem és Nyomkereső. (Örökmozgó)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The great downfall of Altman's Mash is that the overwhelming majority of viewers saw it only after becoming fans of the famous series. Although the series took inspiration from Altman, it is a completely different style, format, and genre. So those who are looking for enjoyable situational humor will be greatly disappointed. The series Mash was a mainstream affair, a pleasant diversion with a certain anti-war message, tailored for the widest audience, while Altman made a cynical film about the war's aftermath that leaves a mark on people. As a comedy, in my opinion, it doesn't work too well, but as an absurd war story about people frustrated by insane conditions they have to endure, it is a powerful matter. The main character is a cynic who just wants to have fun, survive, and forget. He's simply not the likable guy we know from the series. Overall impression: 60%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The M*A*S*H film is almost two hours long, a sequence of various scenes and skits, so one simply cannot help but feel that the serial format is better suited for it. Fortunately, though, the sequence is so interesting, as dry as a Hawkeye martini, and chillingly realistic during the bloody operating room scenes, that it holds the viewer's attention even during the somewhat drawn-out second half. The cast is also one of a kind and Donald Sutherland, Elliot Gould, Sally Kellerman and Roger Bowen are all up to par with their series counterparts. It's a great pity, however, that Robert Duvall's Frank disappears so quickly. Three and a half. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If I saw the movie first, I would probably be more impressed than when I saw the series for the first time. But the series is just more timeless, it still works and its jokes survive where the movie ones lose their impact as time advances. Nevertheless, the film is still a quality spectacle, but it doesn't have the same great gateway as the series. I was surprised that Radar's character is played by the same actor throughout. ()