
Things are not always as they seem, a familiar saying stuck in the mind of Detective Frederick, a saying used by his long-time partner, recently murdered during a senseless shoot-out. Determined to get even with all who break the law, Frederick makes sure those he arrest are put away for good. When Mel, and ex-security guard, is paroled over Frederick’s objections, there is no doubt that this edgy detective will do everything within his power to put him back behind bars. Unfortunately, this is one problem for Frederick; Mel was framed for countless robberies and was only convicted for shooting the man responsible for killing his wife. To add insult to injury there was really no doubt that Mel had shot the man in self-defense. Now back on the streets, Mel vows to prove his innocence and most importantly regain the love of Kevin, his eight year old son. However there is a big problem, Mel must convince Irene, the social working assigned to the case that he is capable of caring for the boy. As Mel attempts to win over Irene and at the same time unravel the clues that lead to the real culprits, Frederick is in the shadows watching him. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)



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