
This action-packed tale is the thrilling saga of Yoshi, a master of Japan's 16th Century fighting arts, who is accidentally frozen in time and miraculously revived by cryosurgery in the 1980's. On the run from the institute that ended his sleep of centuries, Yoshi must pit his ancient skills and power against the forces of a violent and confusing world. He has vanquished enemies from a distant time but can he prevail on the streets of the future? (101 Films)



Ghost Warrior

Ghost Warrior

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Kiadta: Intrada Records

Év: 2008

Ország: Egyesült Államok

Formátum: CD

Felvétel: 44:00

Megjegyzések: Limited edition.

1. Title Sequence Richard Band 05:22
2. Yoshi Is Alive! Richard Band 01:18
3. Girl On The Move Richard Band 04:01
4. Tormentors Richard Band 08:41
5. Yoshi Sees Automobile Richard Band 01:29
6. Bright Lights, Big City Richard Band 03:42
7. Johnny Follows Yoshi Richard Band 02:17
8. Yoshi Remembers The Past Richard Band 04:10
9. Human Antique Richard Band 05:47
10. Yoshi Rescues Girl Richard Band 03:59
11. Samurai Love Theme And End Credits Richard Band 03:14
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