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Recenziók (7 573)


Danielle és a süvet (2020) 

angol Well, I have to say, I had higher hopes for this film. Some might argue that Shiva and humor don't mix, but I beg to differ. From personal experience, I know that even funerals can unexpectedly provide fertile ground for humor. Plus, Jewish culture is rich in great, often dark, humor that really hits the spot for me. In my view, the creators missed a golden opportunity here. While there were certainly moments that brought a smile to my face, the overall tone leaned heavily towards drama, and the plot lost its momentum along the way. It's a real shame because I was ready to bump up my rating, but sometimes, filmmakers shouldn't take themselves so seriously and should embrace a lighter touch. / Lesson learned: If you are bi, you're lucky. You have double the chances.


Boszorkányvadászok (2013) 

angol Whenever I hear the names Hansel and Gretel, I immediately think of two kids with a penchant for unconventional architecture. This time, the title hinted at something bigger, and it delivered. Instead of the future sponsors of dentistry, we got a story about serial killers targeting lonely elderly women. But they weren't using methods from the times of the Brothers Grimm; no, they had an arsenal that even John Rambo or the Terminator wouldn't shy away from. For me, it was a funny, action-packed movie that charmingly juggled with human anatomy and didn't pretend to be anything else. It simply entertained viewers on the same wavelength. Clearly, I was on that wavelength for the second time, so I had a blast. Plus, I had an aesthetic experience courtesy of Gemma Arterton. / Lesson learned: If you're a witch hunter, real life might not be a walk in the park. 4*+


A lökött tesó (2011) 

angol I can't quite put my finger on why I enjoyed this movie so much, considering it's filled to the brim with clichés and predictability. Maybe it's because Ned strongly reminded me of Jeff Lebowski with his laid-back nature. He's the kind of guy who just wants to live peacefully, answers questions honestly, and never considers that it could backfire on him. It's not that he's stupid; he's just incredibly naive, believing that no one he hasn't wronged would want to exploit him. Every time I watch this film, I can't help but wonder what the world would look like if everyone behaved like Ned. It'd be absolute mayhem. The film falls into a genre where happy endings are practically mandatory, which is a shame because those false notes unnecessarily disrupt the dose of humanity I got from the story. / Lesson learned: When you're in the drug-selling business, at least choose your clientele wisely.


Ted Lasso - Season 2 (2021) (évad) 

angol Season 2 was somewhat different from the first season. While the first one was about soccer with occasional relationship matters, the second one was more of a romance set in a soccer environment. I'm fine with that because I love soccer about as much as I love broccoli. I enjoyed the series on the whole, except for a few issues. What disappointed me were episodes three and nine, especially the latter one seemed as if the writer was high on something. Apart from Ted and Roy, I would highlight the two main female characters. Juno Temple is always great to look at and listen to. I especially liked the Christmas episode, which was filled with clichés and cheesiness (because, well, it's Christmas!) but it was hilarious, and I had a good laugh without feeling retarded. So, to sum it up, the second season may have been weaker than its predecessor, but I still had a great time, and I won't give it less than four stars. / Lesson learned: Not a fan of soccer? With Ted Lasso, you don’t have to worry about it.


Ted Lasso - Tedd a leghelyesebb dolgot (2021) (epizód) 

angol I don't usually review individual episodes of Ted Lasso, but this time, I had to make an exception. To put it bluntly, I didn't enjoy the episode. Sure, parts of it kept me entertained, but the sponsorship subplot ruined it for me. How can I describe it? Maybe as propaganda? Pandering? I'm sure Greta would be pleased. But I'm a bit too much of a cynic to buy into the idea that professional football players would toss away their financial security for the greater good. On a different note, I did buy into the celebration of defeat in the match. It struck a chord with me, reminding me of the golden days of our national team. / Lesson learned: If you're aiming for humor, steer clear of moralizing.


Harry Bosch - A nyomozó - Season 6 (2020) (évad) 

angol The dust from the explosion is settling, and I am slowly cooling down and putting the stupidity from the last episode behind me. The sixth season was a nice surprise. I was bracing myself for a drop in quality, which is why I had been putting off watching this series for so long, but fortunately, my concerns were unsubstantiated. The first two episodes weren’t very convincing, but then the story picked up the pace, Hieronymus Bosch showed up in great form, the police progressed in their investigation from evidence to evidence, and I was having a blast. Bosch and his team did a great job this season, and I think Michael Connelly can be rightfully proud of the result. / Lesson learned: Don't be afraid. Sometimes it turns out that your concerns were completely unnecessary. Sometimes it doesn’t. 4*+.


Harry Bosch - A nyomozó - Erényes ember (2020) (epizód) 

angol I've been praising the creators in my reviews of each episode... And then they hit me with this in the finale. To be fair, the plot was cruising along just fine, I was feeling content, when suddenly they decided to throw in a curveball with a backpack, and all the chaos that ensued. Just when you're enjoying what seems like fairly realistic police work, bam! The main hero turns into an unstoppable action hero in an indestructible off-the-rack suit, and you find that he regularly uses a Claymore for dental hygiene. I was more than a little irked, so I docked it two stars, leaving it with just three. / Lesson learned: If there's a bomb north of you, run south.


Harry Bosch - A nyomozó - Az éj szent sötétje (2020) (epizód) 

angol I really appreciate how the sixth season dives deep into investigations amidst all the political turmoil and exposés. Once again, the creators weave multiple cases together, progressing them step by step, which lends a realistic feel to the police work. Considering the current climate, I imagine the series might face challenges in its home country. But despite that, I still find myself enjoying Bosch. / Lesson learned: Want influence in different parts of the world, get the local criminals to work for you. 4*+


Harry Bosch - A nyomozó - Kopírkutya (2020) (epizód) 

angol Another episode blending investigation with accusations of sexual harassment. The investigation itself left me satisfied, just two more good episodes and I'll be singing praises for the whole series. / Lesson learned: Always be on your best behavior because TV walls are around you and Big Brother is watching.


Harry Bosch - A nyomozó - Neheztelések (2020) (epizód) 

angol The seventh episode really hammered home my feelings about American hypocrisy. Books and movies that don't fit the current political narrative are banned, yet owning enough guns to fill a warehouse is perfectly acceptable. Pornography and erotica are evil, yet violent video game scenes are considered entertainment. Certain hateful religions (insert whichever one grinds your gears) get a pass, but if a straight guy acts chivalrous towards a woman, suddenly he's perpetuating gender inequality and labeled a sexual predator. This episode really stirred up these sentiments in me, for which it deserves five stars. / Lesson learned: Looking for a peaceful and relaxed life? It's where political correctness isn't a priority.