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Közönséges horrorsztori (2021) 

angol You Feel like you have already seen it! Classic Horror Story had all the makings of being a great horror film, and, though it's certainly not a bad one, I'm a bit disappointed and will be more strict with my rating this time. The Italian touch is fine, the rural setting is beautiful (the forest is awesome), the music is great, the make-up effects are good, there is an impressive cottage (Hansel and Gretel?), and a quite unconventional story with a surprising twist, with sirens and dark red, and nice horror references. Not to confuse a rip-off with an homage, that's clearly the makers' intention. The film has a Texas Chainsaw Massacre feel from the start and slowly references various exploitation and hixploitation films, which is my favourite sub-genre, so logically I was really looking forward it. Itit switches into a sort of variation on Ari Aster's Midsommar, which is all fine and dandy, but it struck me that Leatherface left his chainsaw in the shed and I can't quite explain why a hixploitation from Italy is more afraid of gore than I am of spiders! If the makers are going to put torture in a film, why should everything be left to the viewer's imagination? Ok, bookworms may not mind, but I was looking forward to a proper some gore after five years (there should have been blood should have spurting from the screen to my living room! ), but it all remained somewhere in the hints. In this the film definitely doesn't fulfill its potential, and that it can't be said either that there is an intense or unpleasant horror atmosphere, which is a pity, because the film had a good start, a lot of other things (music, setting, visuals, plot) that work, but for me they are not enough. If I had to compare it to something, it's like going to a brothel and getting your balls tickled by a hooker, but without the blowjob. Story 3/5, Action 2/5, Humour 0/5, Violence 2/5, Fun 3/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 3/5. 6/10.


A félelem utcája 2. rész: 1978 (2021) 

angol I was expecting more and I have a few complaints, but it's still a strong genre average and in slasher series, there hasn't been anything this substantial in a good few years. People unfamiliar with the genre see it as a rip-off, “The Better Ones" see it as fanboy enthusiasm for the horror genre and an homage to older pieces. Nightwing is definitely the new Crystal Lake, and the redhead from Stranger Things has the makings of a new scream queen. I'm not going to compare the episodes, each has different strengths, I was a little bummed that they avoided nudity, I understand that the book is PG-13 and made for teens, but I missed it here. The film is probably most reminiscent of Sleepaway Camp, Friday the 13th and The Burning, and anyone who loved those films since the 80s should enjoy this one as well, at least on the nostalgia side. There are plenty of references (Carrie!), retro music, likeable characters, and you can tell that it's cleverly conceived and it all fits together nicely within the genre. The first half is slower, the wait for the first murder is longer than I would have liked, and the gore could definitely have been more substantial – it takes place either in the dark, many times out of frame and as a result I only remembered two severed heads. Even though emotionally I'm leaning towards three stars, I had an above average time and I'm going to take all three episodes as a whole, where I hope the witches will pull it off a full score. I'm happy with the whole series so far and I'm glad Netflix picked it up. Story 3/5, Action 3/5, Humor 2/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 4/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 4/5. 7/10.


A Kaptár: Végtelen sötétség (2021) (sorozat) 

angol Netflix has released a four-part miniseries of Capcom's anticipated "Resident Evil" and, though were definitely ambitions higher, it’s perfectly fine as a one-off. I liked the setting in the White House, but otherwise the storyline is pretty flat, though that wasn't the point here. What works well though is the visuals and the CGI animation. There aren’t many similarly themed films made, so some of the flaws are forgivable. The action is great, bloody and brutal (but not really enough for my taste). We don't get tp see much of the zombies, there’s a monster only in the finale, and though the atmosphere is mysterious in places, I could definitely imagine it more frightening. It's disappointing that we get a project like this once every few years , but it falls far short of the quality of my favourite Love Death & Robots episodes – but it’s still better this than another drama, no question. Story 2/5, Action 3/5, Humor 1/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 4/5 Music 3/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 3/5. 6.5/10.


Vicious Fun (2020) 

angol A fine Canadian retro one-off that could have easily been released in the 1980s. It's got a relatively cool idea about a kid who accidentally stumbles into some sort of meeting of crazed killers and when the truth comes out, the fight for his life begins. There are quite a few familiar B-movie faces and all the characters are well cast, though I'm a little disappointed that not everyone gets enough space and their ending isn't always properly exciting. The retro visuals are fine, the 1980's synthwave is awesome and the neons are cool. The film is taken more lightheartedly, but I didn't find it too funny. There isn’t much gore, there is a bit of blood, but not really enough to satisfy me (I don't have a single murder stuck in my head after watching it and that's a bad sign), but it's got a nice pace, it's quite action packed, so you don’t get bored. In the hands of someone more capable it could be great, but Vicious Fun is a pleasant average. The central nutter with an IQ of 180 is the best character. Story 3/5, Action 3/5, Humour 2/5, Violence 3/5, Fun 3/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 3/5. 6/10.


Animales Humanos (2021) 

angol A Mexican home invasion flick about a conflict between two neighbouring families, sparked by an aggressive dog that attacks a little girl and then is euthanized in a rather unsightly way. The family, as animal activists, don't like this and plan to take revenge on their neighbours. A simple and straightforward plot in what for me is the exhausted home invasion genre. There was a time when I loved this sub-genre, but now I feel all the films suck, some day I want to see a home invasion movie where a family of eight is attacked by a ten assholes, that's when my curiosity will start to rise. This 2 vs 2 duel can't bring more than three gore scenes and it didn't even deliver that (though the smashed head is awesome). The visuals and the family is likeable, the make-up effects are pretty good, and there is no shortage of suspense , but that's par for the course with any at least average home invasion film. I was definitely expecting more carnage, but I don't regret watching it. Story 2/5, Action 3/5, Humor>No, Violence 3/5, Fun 3/5 Music 3/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 3/5 6/10.


Halálos iramban 9. (2021) 

angol Fast and Furious is a really interesting franchise that divides people into maybe three camps. The first group stopped watching after episodes 3 or 4, the second group started watching after episode 5 (for example me), and the third group watched the whole thing and either enjoy it or hate it as much as possible. I personally don't care much for cars, so I wasn't interested in the first episodes and only started to care when The Rock and other cast members came on the scene and, instead of racing, it went to over the top action and I have to say that I managed to enjoy all the episodes from 5 onwards. They're silly and fun movies with action I probably wouldn't see anywhere else and they have featured a lot of well known martial arts stars, so I definitely can't complain about that. I was curious about the 9th episode and it's without a doubt the weakest since the 5th. I feel like there's less of everything than I'm used to. For one thing, The Rock and Jason Statham are missing, and their absence is very noticeable. They’ve added John Cena and he is surprisingly the best thing about the whole movie, but it's not enough. Roman makes jokes less than usual, there are few personal fights, and even the over-the-top action is less for my taste (the truck caught my attention). On the other hand, the journey into space is uninteresting. There are no interesting locations, even the pretty women are gone, and there's more bullshit about family than in maybe three episodes combined. At least the music is still good, it brought some decent summer songs. I wasn't bored, it went relatively well, but it's a quality downgrade even for people who liked the previous episodes. Story 2/5, Action 3/5, Humor 3/5, Violence NO, Fun 4/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 2/5, Suspense 2/5 5.5/10.


A holnap háborúja (2021) 

angol Forget logic, enjoy the action! The Tomorrow War is a fine sci-fi caper with aliens (monsters). It is not another Edge of Tomorrow, but on the other hand, there hasn't been anything better since it (7 years I should point out!), and I'm not really going to count that Independence Day 2 crap, so I was able to enjoy the movie properly. I find it funny that someone here complains about waiting 50 minutes for the action, but they don’t skimp on the stars with a three-hour gay drama! The film manages to draw you in from the start, Chris Pratt is likeable, though I admit his acting was on the edge at times, Yvonne Strahovski is great, she's hot as hell, J.K. Simmons is traditionally excellent and it was nice to see Sam Richardson comedy relief throughout the film, though I could have imagined more room for him. The visuals are awesome, the monsters are absolutely amazing (I didn't expect we'd get competition so soon after Quiet Place). If the film had been R-rated, it could have been a regular monster horror film, the “Alien" finale was a nice indication of that. I liked the attack on the base the best though, it will probably remind many viewers of World War Z. So yeah definitely great fun, my only complaint is with the dramatic scenes, the emotions and the family, I just don't like that, if they left that out, there would be room for another action scene, which I would have preferred, But today's audiences can’t do without the mandatory drama, because unless there are tears flowing, it's as cold as a polar bear's ass in the Arctic. Story 3/5, Action 4/5, Humor 3/5, Violence NO, Fun 5/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 3/5 8/10.


A félelem utcája 1. rész: 1994 (2021) 

angol A summer Netflix event, a slasher renaissance and a decent one at that! I think the next two episodes will be better, but I enjoyed this one. Fear Street is an honest to goodness slasher flick with all the attributes of the subgenre, plus a little something extra. As fan slashers (which by the way is already considered a dying subgenre), I really enjoyed the first episode and the whole trilogy already has cult-classic potential. It evokes a lot of Friday the 13th and especially Scream, the first part is probably the closest to that. There's a likeable group of teenagers (the young black geek is great), classic horror references (Jaws, Poltergeist, Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead), a great villain (the mask, the gun, the urban legend), a fine and stylish soundtrack, and enough body-count and gore (although I could imagine it being even more substantial). It's got good craftsmanship, nice colourful visuals, playful ideas, and an imaginative finale. It doesn't look downright silly, it has its own style and the witches touch was very nice. I liked the introduction of the killers from each decade a lot, that was cool!. The finale is cleverly put together, and I enjoyed the first episode without a problem. Maybe on the humour side could have been better, there is a lack of downright memorable lines, and also a lack of boobs (but they didn't have any to show properly, so I hope the makers are saving that for later), but otherwise I’m happy, I can't think of a better representative in years. Story 4/5, Action 4/5, Humor 3/5, Violence 4/5, Fun 4/5 Music 5/5, Visuals 4/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 4/5 7.5/10.


My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To (2020) 

angol A strange film, more of a drama with light horror elements that will please fans of indie festival cheapies. Definitely nothing to cheer about and it's exactly the kind of film where I know who will enjoy it and who won't. It’s about three siblings, one of them needs a big supply blood and the older one has to take care of him. There's not much gore and the kills aren't very interesting, the 4:3 format got on my nerves a bit and the actors give relatively eager performances, but none of them are likely to stick in my memory. The film flows slowly, it's very intimate, there's no twist and the story itself can't be considered strong either. It pretty much whizzed past me and did nothing, but the effort is there. With a bigger budget they could have conjured up something more solid. Story 3/5, Action 1/5, Humor>No, Violence 2/5, Fun 2/5, Music 3/5, Visuals 3/5, Atmosphere 2/5, Suspense 1/5,Actors 3/5. 4/10.


Méandre (2020) 

angol The French serve up a stylish, evil, intense, unpleasant and claustrophobic survival flick evoking Cube, and it's a contender for horror film of the year! I was ground to a pulp by this film and cried with excitement that after the long, tortured and boring horror drought I finally got to see a proper spectacle that really meets the most stringent criteria. From the fifth minute onwards the main character is thrown into a tunnel labyrinth of traps and death and it is such an awesome ride. I was holding my breath with suspense for the whole 90 minutes. The claustrophobic atmosphere works very reliably, the main character is a gorgeous, brave and intelligent French blonde for whom I kept all my fingers and toes crossed. There are perhaps more traps than in three episodes of Saw combined, and yes there was even a bit of gore! The traps are inventive, well thought out in a really cramped environment, the visuals and colours are great (blue, red, green). It’s an unenviable situation, and to make matters worse, protagonist is being chased by a mutilated zombie who is really disgusting and unpleasant. The music is great, it underscores the whole ride and I must pay in gold because if not here I don't know where or when. Some may be annoyed that the twist doesn't have more depth, but what the hell, I wasn't expecting such a stylish and beautifully shot ride in the slightest. Story 3/5, Action 4/5, Humor>No, Violence 4/5, Fun 5/5 Music 5/5, Visuals 5/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 5/5 8.5/10.