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Recenziók (129)


Keresem a testemet (2019) 

angol When was the last time you took a good look at your hands and thought about how essential they are to you? When was the last time you felt grateful for them? Whether you want to use a lighter, ring the doorbell, pat someone on the cheek, unlock your door, wipe your tears... you need hands. After this film, you won't notice anything else for a few days. And that's why I Lost My Body is one of the few understated films I'm grateful for. It is not predictable, it is unconventionally absorbing. It has two intertwined story lines: one is cute, tender and touching, the other is raw and even horrific. They are accompanied by Dan Levy's fantastically haunting and enchanting music, and together, it all makes one big unforgettable must see piece of work.


Premières vacances (2018) 

angol Tinder, the doom and salvation of contemporary dating. Ben and Marion have an ideal first date, so ideal that Ben immediately decides to invite Marion on holiday and she agrees. The first half of the film is a lot of fun, but then it starts to drag a bit, the humour dwindles and it leads to a clichéd ending. On the other hand, I don't think I've ever found myself so much in a movie character. I am Ben :) :) some info for potential candidates :) :) Certainly not that extreme (performing a need in the garden among the flowers :D ), but I really found myself in some situations, which is probably why I enjoyed the film.


Szexoktatás (2019) (sorozat) 

angol What is this? A big surprise that delighted me immensely. Great humour, original, inventive and entertaining dialogues, but the main thing I have to highlight are the performances of the two male leads, because I had a great time with Asa Butterfield and Ncuti Gatwa. Their characters are fun, and their expressions, their grimaces... just perfection. Asa is talented, but we've known that for a while, but Ncuti aka Eric is the acting discovery of the year for me. It's true that I enjoyed the comedy episodes a bit more, because there's a momentum and punch to it. Once it gets more dramatic, it certainly doesn't get boring, but it does detract a bit from the overall mood of the series. Actually, it has only one flaw, not enough episodes, I would have taken more if it kept the quality.


Le Jeu (2018) 

angol Considering that this is perhaps a very faithful remake of the Italian film Perfect Strangers, I can't give it a full rating. All those involved in this dinner (who "have nothing to hide") gradually reveal their secrets and lies, and it is in these revelations that the film brings nothing new. But it's still an incredible emotional ride and a great conversational piece. What makes this version different is the energy and performances delivered by the French actors, otherwise it's just exactly the same. However, I was tense despite knowing what was to come, so this remake definitely deserves a high rating. It's possible that whoever sees this version first will be as shattered as I was when I saw the Italian one. Both films are excellent because they work with a great premise, a great script and great actors, but for me, first come, first served.


A Kominsky-módszer (2018) (sorozat) 

angol This series has plenty of sarcasm, cynicism, black humour, but also what I admire in old people: their outlook and the fact that they don't put up with anything and sometimes even anyone anymore. Lots of funny, incisive and heartfelt dialogue, but also a few sensitive and touching moments. Both grandpas were great, but Douglas especially made me happy.


Vakrandi (2015) 

angol Funny, charming and, most importantly, incredibly cute. The credit for this goes to Mélanie Bernier, who is downright adorable. Finally a nice and enjoyable romantic comedy.


Csillag születik (2018) 

angol A Start Is Born, although by that it means the character of Ally, for me personally two stars were born. Lady Gaga as an actress and Bradley Cooper as a singer. Specially him, who would have thought this guy can sing so bloody well? In my eyes, the surprise of the year. Although the film didn't surprise me much with the script, it completely won me over with the execution. I never thought Lady Gaga and Bradley would be such a great match, the chemistry between them is palpable. Lady Gaga as Ally is amazingly natural and so approachable that you will relate to her right away, and the same goes for the character of Jack. They are just both so endearing that you take an instant liking to them. I have to praise the music too, because it played exactly to my tune, a bit of rock, a bit of folk, and I was tapping my foot contentedly the whole time. Bradley's directorial debut couldn't have turned out better, so I hope he continues to complement his acting career with directing. A few days after the screening I still can't get the film out of my head and I had to wipe a lot of tears in the cinema, something no film has managed to do this year...


Mamma Mia! Sose hagyjuk abba (2018) 

angol I can’t understand how this film has a higher rating than the first one – though I expect it to significantly fall with time. I like the first one a lot, it’s quirky, funny, nice. This sequel, on the other hand, borders on the peak of cringe perhaps every five minutes. It's true that I like Lily James, and I think she did a good job with the goofiness of her older self as portrayed by Meryl Streep, but overall it just didn't work for me at all. In the first one the whole Meryl and 3 men – 3 possible fathers – plot was very funny, but left room for imagination, here it took a definite form and I just didn't like it. I give 1 star for Lily, for the scene when the visitors arrive at sea and last but not least (how to describe it without spoilers): the final scene in the church... otherwise really quite an ordeal.


Acéllövedék (1987) 

angol The first part of the film, which takes us into the training of the Marines, is great. Basically, it's about nothing more than a screaming and terrorizing sergeant who drives the soldiers to the edge of their physical and mental limits. This part of the won't let you breathe a sigh of relief, you just have to work hard and you can't even sniffle without permission. Among the soldiers, we have Private Pyle, who, although he's quite slow and lagging behind, has my admiration, because in this training I would pass out after two hours and I'm still cheering myself on. However, he doesn't handle it mentally; that blank maniacal expression of his will haunt me for a long time. It's just a pity that the climax of this plot didn't gain more momentum, it could have been a great theme for another film. The second part slows down a bit and gets a little boring, but once we get into combat, it's again a very good show. The only odd thing, the film is just under two hours long, and although I didn't feel like it dragged on for any length of time (unlike Space Odyssey, where the pace is slower), it felt like it was about 3 hours long, but no matter, I still liked it.


Moulin Rouge (2001) 

angol I think I first saw this film on TV when I was fifteen, and as befits that sentimental age, I properly cried. The next day, I already had the soundtrack on MP3 and I didn't listen to anything else for six months. After almost fifteen years, when I am that much older, I had the opportunity to see Moulin Rouge on the big screen as part of the musical package at SFS 2018. My love for this film is obviously undying, because despite having seen it maybe 50 times, I had more fun than ever. The atmosphere in the auditorium was amazing and it was clear that I was surrounded by like-minded fans. Proof of that was the applause that followed the "Like a Virgin" scene. Another amazing moment was when the naively blinded Duke realizes that Christian and Satine are in love, and many people in the room gasped in horror at that moment, and I thought: there are some lucky people who haven't seen the film yet, and I was a little jealous. I thoroughly enjoyed this colourful, kitsch and pompous ride, devouring every moment, singing every song in my head, tapping my foot to every rhythm, laughing at the crazy scenes and shedding a tear at "Your Song" when in the first seconds of Christian's great singing Satine finally shuts up and the night Paris lights up. What else can I praise? The perfect mix of songs, brilliantly performed? The great performances that are moving but also entertaining? The great choreographies? The costumes and sets? I wish I could still raise the rating because Moulin Rouge is perfect and spectacular in every way and I can't wait to watch it again.