Victoria Volkova

Victoria Volkova


Beauty and lifestyle content creator, author, actress, businesswoman, DJ, TEDX speaker, trans and LGBTIQ+ rights activist. She began creating content on social networks like YouTube to share her experiences as a trans woman in Mexico at the age of 18. She became a reference for the trans and LGBTIQ+ community since she documented her transition process month after month on her social networks, creating a message of inclusion and defending the freedom of being of each person. She is one of the top online content creators in the LGBTIQ+ community with more than a million followers on YouTube and more than 900k followers on Instagram. She is the author of the book, "Victoria, Mi Camino Hacia el Amor Propio" ("Victoria, My Path to Self-Love"), where she recounts moments and stories in her life that gave her the most valuable lessons. In 2020 she was the first trans woman to pose for Playboy magazine in Latin America. Considered by forbes Mexico magazine as one of the hundred most powerful women in 2018 and 2021. She has a TEDX talk in 2017, Cómo Ser Tú Mismx Sin Morir en el Intento (How To Be Yourself Without Dying in the Attempt) where she talks about the power of being yourself and how she was able to overcome his battle with depression and with the injustices of the day to day. She is an ambassador for the YouTube Creators for Change program in 2018. Leading role in the film, Sexo, Pudor y Lágrimas II. Quién magazine named her as one of the “31 women we love” in its 2021 issue.

Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara
