Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay

Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay


Gabrielle Tremblay is a trans writer and actress native from St-Siméon, a small village located in Quebec’s region of Charlevoix, near the St. Lawrence river, she left home at 16 to study acting at the École de cinéma et de télévision de Québec (ECTQ), which was unfruitful at the time since she hadn’t started her transition yet. In 2015, Les Éditions de l’étoile de mer published her first poetry book, untitled “Le ventre des volcans”.

She’s particularily at ease on stage, as a poet and a performer. Since her early childhood, she’s fascinated by cinema as an art form, both for its poetry and for the important messages it conveys. Flirting with short movies and the litterary and spoken word scenes, she took part in her first full-length feature in 2015, when she played one of the starring role (Klas Batalo) in Mathieu Denis and Simon Lavoie’s Those Who Make Revolution Halfway Only Dig Their Own Graves.

K-Films Amérique




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