Stephen Treadway

Stephen Treadway


Stephen took the traditional route to the position DP, working his way up through the camera department. He moved New York in early 1992 to begin his film career, leaving his successful architectural photography practice in Philadelphia. Stephen spent the next two years learning the craft of the camera department and networking. He was inducted into the New York Camera Local 664 in 1994. He spent the next 5 years working on a wide range of pictures, ranging in budget from 2 - 80 million, and was fortunate to mentor under some of the industry's most talented cinematographers during this period: Tom Sigel, ASC; Chuck Minsky, ASC; Ken Kelsch, ASC and Matthew Leonetti, ASC. A few of his Assistant credits during this time were: "Fallen", "The Funeral", "Big Night", "Ransom" and the remake of "Rear Window".
Stephen began his shooting career in 1999. He garnered some awards early on, including the "Milos Forman Award" at the 1999 Ralph Lauren Polo Shorts Festival and PBS' "Best Independent Film", 2000. His photography was praised in a review by New York Times Chief Critic, Elvis Mitchell, for his work on Besotted. Shelter Island premiered on Showtime and is in DVD release. Stephen's 2nd Unit Photography was seen in Lion Gate Films' "Lord of War".

Indican Pictures



