Ertugrul Mavioglu

Ertugrul Mavioglu


Ertugrul Mavioglu was 19 years old at the time of the September 12th, 1980 military coup and he spent 8 years in jail for political reasons during the period between 1980 – 1991. During his periods of freedom, he completed his degree in journalism. He worked nearly 30 years as a journalist at various newspapers and television stations. He has received two awards for investigative journalism from the Progressive Journalists Association. He is the author of an oral history trilogy about the September 12, 1980 junta, as well as a co-author with Ahmet Sik of a two-volume work about the counterinsurgents in Turkey. Mavioglu's last book was published in 2012 and was an analysis of the media. In 2006 he was a co-director along with Sedat Yilmaz of a 26 minutes short documentary entitled 'Apoletli Adalet'. "BAKUR" is the director's first feature length documentary.

Montréal World Film Festival


