Kira Muratova

Kira Muratova

szül. 1934.11.05
Soroca, Románia

elhunyt 2018.06.06 (83 éves)
Oděsa, Ukrajna


Born in 1934 in the Bessarabian town of Soroky. Studied philology at Moscow State University, in 1959, graduated from the directing department Institute of Cinematography (workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova). In 1961, she became director of the Odessa Film Studio. As writer and director debuted in 1962 with the short film At a steep ravine, in two years she filmed her first feature Our honest bread. People's Artist of USSR, winner of the State Alexander Dovzhenko Prize of Ukraine, the Main Prize of the Arts of the Berlin Academy of Arts, the "Nika" prize, honorary "Leopard" at Locarno IFF and the "Silver Bear" 40th Berlin Film Festival.

Одесский Международный Кинофестиваль


