
A második világháború alatt egy csapat amerikai katona kerül össze a hírhedt német 17-es fogolytáborban, a Stalag 17-ben. Többnyire azzal töltik az idejüket, hogy azon mesterkednek, hogyan segíthetnének egymásnak megszökni. De amikor két rabot megölnek egy szökési kísérlet közben, nyilvánvalóvá válik, hogy spicli van közöttük. (MTV)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A serious film that should not to be taken seriously. Wilder once again handles a challenging material with unprecedented virtuosity, moving on two genre fronts at once: black dramatic comedy and psychological war drama, without falling into sterility or dullness for a single moment. On the contrary, thanks to lots of insight and the great actors, the film is more than pleasant to watch and the two hours fly by like a prisoner of war with a spotlight on his back. However, if we put the two fronts together and apply even a little of rational thinking, it would be immediately clear that war could never look like this. In terms of craftsmanship, however, it's excellent and has some truly unforgettable moments, but if we had dropped the comedy and called in a villain like Amon Goeth, Wilder would have been able to conjure up a much more impressive and important film. 85% ()

Galéria (57)