No existen treinta y seis maneras de mostrar cómo un hombre se sube a un caballo

  • angol There Are Not Thirty-Six Ways of Showing a Man Getting on a Horse
? %
Argentína, 2020, 63 perc


Raoul Walsh is often considered the most classical of all Hollywood masters. No surprise, then, that many kōan-like quotes about the nature of cinema are attributed to him. But why exactly 36 ways? Nicolás Zukerfeld’s cheeky study on some particularities of classical Hollywood starts with Walshian men mounting horses, one after the other, variation upon variation – till other elements come into play and the film reveals itself as an investigation into classical Hollywood grammar referencing Raoul Walsh's oeuvre. But once you think you've got it, Zukerfeld changes tack completely by literally narrating an anecdote about trying to find the original source for the titular quote attributed to Walsh. Films addressing film history, its writing, telling, retelling and remembering that can be called quirky for all their wisdom are few and far between. This is one of them. Walsh would approve – when nobody is looking. (International Film Festival Rotterdam)
