FC Roma

(fesztivál filmcím)
  • Csehország FC Roma

Streaming (1)


Új csapat indul a cseh foci legalacsonyabb osztályában. Az FC Roma a děčíni járási bajnokság csapata, amelyet többségében roma játékosok alkotnak. „Ha én valakit nem szeretek, akkor azt le akarom győzni." - mondja a edzőjük, Pavel Horváth. Az ellenfelek azonban máshogyan látják ezt, a többség bojkottálja őket. Különös szezonnal indít így a klub, többnyire játék nélkül nyeri a meccseket 3:0-ra. Az FC Roma focistái azonban nem veszítik el a humorérzéküket, a pályán és azon kívül is harcolnak. Ez pedig néha nehezebb, mint gondolták volna: eltűnnek a labdák, a játékosok füveznek, a szurkolók ordítoznak, hogy húzzanak inkább dolgozni. A táblázatban viszont egyre magasabbra kerül a csapat. Sikerülhet magasabb osztályba jutni a játékosoknak, és meggyőzni a környezetüket, hogy ők nem egy agresszív banda, egyszerűen csak focizni szeretnének? (Cseh Filmkarnevál)


Recenziók (1)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A very interesting documentary that takes an objective look into the world of people whom each and every one of us could condemn without getting to know them a bit closer. I personally have to admit that doing such public education among the Gypsies is a very praiseworthy activity. I really loved the enthusiasm of the coach and of the goalkeeper, who were really crazy about establishing the FC AC Roma club and who tried, as they themselves stated, to lure kids to sport rather than to alcohol and drugs. I also liked how the documentary showed the various contrasts. For instance, when they had to talk other club officials into playing soccer against Gypsies. Then also the discussion between the Gypsy and the Gadjo (Roma word for ‘non-Roma’), where the Gadjo represents the ordinary Czech’s ingrained opinion on the Gypsies, and the Gypsy is being smart trying to understand where we as a nation got these ideas from. I also liked how the documentary isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade and it has no problem showing how the coach and the goalie have trouble trying to get young guys off weed…When that all comes together in this documentary, it actually dawned on me that I felt really sorry for the coach and the goalie. They really make the effort to do a good thing and change the public opinion of Gypsies. All that is treated really well in the documentary and it brings up a whole lot of interesting ideas. The only thing I felt really sorry about was that after watching the documentary I had to go online to google what had happened before the documentary was made and why those other teams refused to play against them. Nevertheless, I will remember the coach Pavel Horváth and the goalie Herák. They really are trying to do something nice and it’s not easy for them. That’s how things are sometimes when you go against the stereotypes imprinted in everybody’s minds. Anyways, keep it up… somebody will appreciate it someday. ()