Devil Bat's Daughter

összes plakát
Egyesült Államok, 1946, 67 perc


Nina (Rosemary La Planche), daughter of the infamous "Devil Bat" Dr. Carruthers, worries she's inherited her late father's murderous tendencies, in this horror-mystery film from PRC studios, a sequel to its 1940 Bela Lugosi vehicle, THE DEVIL BAT. Nina is convinced her late father was a vampire, and that his ghost is trying to possess her and make her drink the blood of the living (actually, all he did was just make a few devil bats and send them out to kill his enemies). She winds up seeking shelter at the home of a shady psychiatrist (Michael Hale) who tries to cure her by giving her lots of sleeping pills. In the morning she wakes up with blood on her hands, and a dead body in the other room. Ted Masters (John James), Dr. Morris's stepson, is in love with her and won't believe she's a killer. Monica Mars co-stars as Dr. Morris's mistress, and Molly Lamont plays his trusting wife. Wisbar adds expressionistic angles and soft focus dream sequences to this fast-paced little mystery, and Rosemary La Planche is lovely in the lead. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
