
  • Egyesült Államok Chambers

Streaming (1)



Hátborzongató látomások és gonosz sugallatok kísértik a szívátültetésen átesett tinédzser lányt, aki megpróbálja felfedni az igazat a donorja misztikus halála körül. (Netflix)

Recenziók (1)


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angol The Chambers miniseries mainly plays on the fact that there is a gradual uncovering of what happened to Becky, who she was, and what is behind Sasha not feeling like herself. When it comes to the show's conclusion and the big reveal, you could be forgiven for thinking it is a bit too overwrought. However, until that point, it introduces some interesting characters where no one is blameless or perfect, so in that way, Chambers works. ()