

Stephen King legújabb rémtörténete filmváltozatának főszereplőit bizonyos kérdések nem hagynak nyugodni: Valóban kísértetek tanyáznak a Rose Red kastélyban? Valóban feléleszthetők az ott lappangó természetfeletti erők? Joyce Reardon (Nancy Travis), a parapszichológia professzora épp ezekre a kérdésekre keresi a választ, és a helyszínen folytatott vizsgálódásába bevon hat társat is, akik közül mindegyik más és más paranormális képességgel bír. Velük együtt mi is beléphetünk a kastély kitárt kapuján, de vigyázat, a rettenet birodalmába tett kirándulás sokái fog kísérteni! (Warner Home Video)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It can be said that Rose Red is a typical television adaptation of a King's story, thus it is very average with mediocre actors, however, it benefits from a quality source material and therefore it is definitely not outright bad. If the scissors and common sense of the producers were applied here, a high-quality single-episode TV movie would have been created instead of a three-part miniseries, which would definitely deserve four stars. As it is, alongside great scenes and some shots that do not lack atmosphere - see the scene in the winter garden - there is a lot of filler and boring dialogues. Overall impression: 45%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I don't think that it is a downright bad work from King's side, but it is generally more of an average within what he has filmed. Although there is no novel from which it was adapted, there is also a feeling that the atmosphere is missing here, and overall it is a bit of a cliché, both from the side of horror about a haunted house and from the side of a film horror according to King. In reality, there are no characters that truly captivate me, just as there is no house that fits on solid foundations. ()


Galéria (53)

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