Nicky Larson - Ölni vagy kölni?

  • Franciaország Nicky Larson et le parfum de Cupidon
Előzetes 2


Nicky Larson a szakmája csúcsa. Mellette a legjobban öltözött, legokosabb és legkeményebb különleges ügynökök is eltörpülnek. Egyetlen gyengéje – bájos partnere legnagyobb bosszúságára – talán csak az, hogy minden szoknya után megfordul. Ez teszi igazán izgalmassá új megbízatását. Egy olyan parfüm visszaszerzéséért indul ugyanis harcba, amelynek viselőjébe menten mindenki beleszeret, legyen rajta tanga vagy gatya, legyen az pipi vagy mama. (Big Bang Media)


Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Philippe Lacheau and Tarek Boudali together for the fourth time and once again it’s an excellent caper worthy of a full score. These two make the best comedies of recent years and give a huge middle finger to the USA. The story is a bit of a parody of the Bond films, but full of creative and original ideas. The main character is an agent obsessed with sex and women, which makes for a great premise for a fine comedy. And instead of a bomb, the villain here invents a love perfume that, if it falls into the wrong hands, will unleash all sorts of trouble in the world. I was also surprised by the action, Phillipe Lacheau has some fine fights. If course, this is a comedy, so they are delivered in a spectacular and funny way, something in the style of Jackie Chan, and the humour is exactly to my taste. I had about five fits of laughter already by the 30th minute, and the opening hospital scene has cult-classic potential. A perfect, brisk and funny French flick, where besides the great actors, the aptly chosen soundtrack is also worth mentioning. Story****, Action****, Humor*****, Violence**, Entertainment*****, Music****, Visual****, Atmosphere**, Suspense***. 9/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I'm very disillusioned about the fact that even in France they are making tasteless sexist comedies. And I really can't stomach the attempt at humor when one of the weirdos tries to warm up a chilled hamster in the microwave, oblivious to the fact that it won't survive, and then is terribly surprised when it catches fire. If humor falters in such a desperate manner, the creators could have at least put some effort into building a clever story, which unfortunately is absent. Even the soundtrack didn't impress me. (35%) ()