SOS in den Rocky Mountains

  • Franciaország Sauvetage dans les Rocheuses (több)
Németország / Franciaország, 2010, 52 perc


Holger Riedel


Holger Riedel


Holger Riedel
(további alkotók)


360°GEO - Report witnesses the thrilling missions of George Field and his mountain rescue team.
A few minutes after the emergency call comes in, George Field and his team are sitting in the helicopter. The mountain rescuers in the Canadian Rocky Mountains have to treat wounds, alleviate pain and save people from great danger. In doing so, they are often exposed to death-defying situations.
Since 1982, George Field and his professional team has become one of the most famous in the Rocky Mountains. Together with 25 rangers, they fight to save human lives in the Canadian mountains on an almost daily basis. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
