Genezis 2.0

(fesztivál filmcím)
Svájc / Kína / Oroszország / Dél-Korea / Egyesült Államok, 2018, 113 perc


On the remote New Siberian Islands in the Arctic Ocean, hunters are searching for the tusks of extinct mammoths.There is a gold rush fever in the air. The price for white gold has never been so high. The thawing permafrost not only releases precious ivory.The tusk hunters find a surprisingly well-preserved mammoth carcass. Such finds are magnets for high-tech genetic scientists.They want to bring the extinct woolly mammoth back to life à la “Jurassic Park”. Resurrecting the mammoth is a first manifestation of the next great technological revolution.Man becomes Creator. Genesis two point zero. A Film about the secrets and mysteries hidden within nature and the fundamental difference in view of creation and the role of man in it. (Rise and Shine Cinema)


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