Pearl Harbor: The Accused

  • angol Pearl Harbor - The Truth (több)
Egyesült Királyság, 2016, 2x45 perc


Following the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, public shock quickly turned to outrage. The attack had left 2,403 Americans dead. How had the Navy been caught off-guard? Someone must be to blame – and a culprit was soon found. Pearl Harbor: The Truth investigates how the Washington military and President Roosevelt's administration found a scapegoat in Admiral Husband Kimmel – the commander of the Pacific fleet. Kimmel's career was brutally destroyed in a desperate attempt to cover up intelligence blunders and a catalogue of errors. Kimmel's family continue to protest his innocence. Interviews with intelligence experts, ex-US admirals and leading historians – and uncovered documents – shine fresh light on the Pearl Harbor tragedy. As Kimmel's family fight to have his rank restored, this is the story of a man willing to sacrifice himself for his country – only to be sacrificed himself. (BBC)


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