Im Visier der Kartelle - Drogenkrieg in Westafrika

  • Franciaország Drogue : La nouvelle guerre des cartels (több)
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Németország / Franciaország, 2015, 52 perc


Over the past few years, West Africa has become a transit region for drugs. This film traces international drug trade routes and examines the social and political consequences of this drug business. In West Africa, authorities are fighting what appears to be a hopeless battle against drug cartels. Cessna planes from South America carrying tonnes of cocaine continue to land there at regular intervals. In the capital city of Guinea-Bissau, criminal gangs have seized power and now occupy key positions. High-ranking officials, government members and military figures are all involved in international drug smuggling. The cartels are also targeting more stable countries like Cape Verde and Senegal. Approximately 30 tonnes of cocaine are smuggled annually through the Cape Verde islands. In the port and airport of Dakar, huge quantities of drugs are confiscated every day. The narcotics unit of the Senegalese police force has only 75 employees and not a single sniffer dog at its disposal. In all of these countries, drug use has risen dramatically. Increasing corruption and an alarming erosion of state power are destabilising the entire West African region. Interviews with investigators and politicians, users and drug bosses tell the shocking story: in countries like Guinea-Bissau and Mali armed conflicts over drug profits have been ongoing for years, not unlike the situation in Mexico. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)
