Udon no kuni no kin'iro kemari

Honecukidori (E05)

? %
Japán, 2016, 22 perc


Souta calls Nakajima out, saying he needs to ask him for a favor. Buttering his longtime friend up with some bone-in chicken, he asks Nakajima to go with him to shoot a video for a class reunion. The two return to their old high school, talk with a teacher they used to have makeup lessons with, and end up reminiscing about the good old days. Souta reveals that he accepted the video project because, after leaving for Tokyo caused him to lose touch with the people of his hometown, he wants to revitalize that connection however he can. That evening, it’s Nakajima’s turn to ask Souta for a favor: to go with him to visit his father, who’s been hurt badly... (Crunchyroll)
